
DecentraShop Roadmap : A Journey of Innovation & Expansion

Launch & Evolution: From Alpha to Beta

DecentraShop begins its revolutionary journey with the launch of its Private Alpha version scheduled for mid-January 2024. This initial step will mark the beginning of a series of continuous innovations and improvements. In March 2024, early April at the latest, we plan to roll out the Public Beta version, giving users a first experience of the transformative potential of DecentraShop.

Focus on the MVP* and Key Features

The main objective in the early phases will be to provide a robust and functional Minimum Viable Product (MVP*), enabling cryptocurrency purchases on core networks like Ethereum and potentially Polygon. The integration of other third-party cryptocurrencies, wallets and blockchains will come gradually, with no set dates, as our priority is to refine and optimize existing features.

Development of Strategic Innovations

At the same time, we are working on innovative features such as a mobile application and the gamification of purchases through a Mystery Boxes system. These elements aim to enrich the user experience and add a fun dimension to online shopping.

Priority to the Loyalty Program & the DXS Token

The development of the loyalty program is a top priority, as it constitutes the cornerstone of the valuation and utility of the DXS token. We aim to integrate this program around September-October 2024, although this date may change depending on our progress and user feedback.

Medium & Long Term Outlook

Longer term, DecentraShop will focus on key initiatives such as growing its community, recruiting influential advisors and implementing robust marketing strategies. At the same time, we will maintain constant legal and regulatory monitoring, particularly in response to recent regulatory developments.

Targeted Markets & Geographic Expansion

For the moment, DecentraShop will be exclusively available in the European Union, excluding the United Kingdom and other major markets such as the United States, Asia and Africa. This targeted approach allows us to focus on regulatory compliance and adaptation to specific EU needs.

Disclaimer : The DecentraShop roadmap is subject to change and should not be interpreted as a firm promise of features or deadlines. Current projects may change depending on technological advances, market needs and regulatory requirements.

Our journey is that of a constantly evolving platform, ready to adapt and innovate to meet the challenges of tomorrow's online commerce.

Join us on this exciting journey, where each step brings us closer to a more connected and decentralized future.

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